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Non-Woven Bags

  1. Celebrate Earth Day Every Day with Non-Woven Bags

    Celebrate Earth Day Every Day with Non-Woven Bags

    As Earth Day approaches this April, it's a timely reminder of our collective responsibility towards planet Earth. While Earth Day is a global event dedicated to environmental protection, why limit our efforts to just one day? Every day presents an opportunity to make eco-friendly choices, and one simple yet impactful way to do this is by choosing non-woven bags over single-use plastics.


    The Environmental Benefits of Non-Woven Bags

    Non-woven bags are made from polypropylene, a type of plastic that's engineered to look and feel like fabric without being woven, making them strong, durable, and reusable. Unlike single-use plastic bags, which can take hundreds of years to decompose, non-woven bags can be recycled, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Their durability also means they can be used repeatedly, decreasing the need for disposable bags and thus reducing your carbon footprint.



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  2. Graduation Day Gift Ideas

    Graduation Day Gift Ideas - Celebrate Your
    Child’s “Rite of Passage”

    Passing out of school and college are major milestones in any
    child’s lifetime. These are events that all parents look forward to with happy
    anticipation. Like all parents, you’ll want to revel at the moment when your
    children appear before you in that gown and the mortarboard hats. As you
    prepare to attend the memorable occasion, you’ll want to look for some great
    Graduation Day gift ideas to let your kids know just how proud you are of them.
    Depending on whether they’re going to attend college or get jobs in their
    journey into adulthood, you can plan the appropriate presents that they can use
    all the time.

    Take a look at some of the best gift ideas that are durable
    and will last them a good long w

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  3. Non-woven Bags – Way of the future

    Non-woven bags are the way of the future. Not only are they made out of durable and sturdy materials like polyester and cotton, they can be used over and over again, thus eliminating the need for a disposable solution. Although non-woven bags cost more up front, overtime, you will find that they are even cheaper than plastic bags. Many corporations and businesses are starting to incorporate the use of non-woven bags into their structure. They charge a small fee to the customer to own the bag, the customer in turn has something that is significantly more valuable and substantial. The customer can turn around and then reuse that same bag. Of course, non-woven bags don't have to be used just for merchan

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  4. Reusable Fabric Options

    String bag: This bag is totally lightweight yet able to carry a lot of provisions. The best thing about it is its ability to extend, so just when you think you have fit all that, you can still throw in that last stuff. For the time being, the problem with the string bag is its lack of form when loading and also the impression that it could be unhygienic, especially when it comes to food. Reusable-Fabric-Options

    Heavy Duty Nylon: This bag is made to last a lifetime. Tote bags are frequently made of

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  5. Green Material for Promotional Bags

    Printed bags can be made of jute, cotton, cloth, or any other affordable material that are quite easy to design and print on. For mass marketing efforts, you can order bags made from very affordable material and have them printed on which further saves you money.Green-Material-for-Promotional-Bags

    For example, if you want to add a Green factor to your drive to better appeal to the growing numbers of environmentalists out there, always pay attention to what you are giving away. If you want to give away printed bags, then give away bags that are made from Green material such as jute. Other materials would apply to other marketing drives, like using

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  6. Election Campaign Giveaways

    Make your election campaign a success by using reusable promotional tote Bags, which will not only increase the spirit amongst the recipients but will also spread consciousness about the importance of eco friendliness in a democratic nation. Imprint your message or election symbol on these attractive bags and every time you give these out, your candidature wElection-Campaign-Giveawaysill continue to have a good impression in the minds of voters. Easy to distribute and light weight, totes with logo can be used as mailer gift items as well. These trendy and practical products will get instant attention and the recipients will love to keep these

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  7. Reusable & Popular Promotional Products for Election

    Ecofriendly bags and reusable totes have become popular promotional products that are used in election campaigns for good reasons. Bans on plastic bags have become the norm nationwide and by giving away these logo tote bags, candidates in the election can restate their commitment to the environment, which in turn will increase rapport with the voters. The big plus of totes is its generous imprint area, which makes a great canvas for all your mesReusable-&-Popular-Promotional-Products-for-Electionsages and slogan. Designed to last long, totes

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  8. Ethically Viable Options – Cotton - Bamboo - Hemp

    Ethically-Viable-Options-–-Cotton-Bamboo-HempOrganic cotton

    The greatest benefit here is that there are no pesticides and fertilizers used so it is not poisoning the environment or the people involved in production. Care taken over soil preparation allows it to retain the moisture and reduces the need for supplementary irrigation.


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  9. Supplementary to Designer Bags

    At first blush, the trend of reusable shopping bags would seem at odds with the explosive increase of high-end handbags. But it turns out that some consumers are eager to walk around with a thousand dollar worth branded purse on one arm and the shopping bag it came in on the other. Supplementary-to-Designer-Bags

    Until recently, top-of-the-line, high priced imported handbags were symbol of status. But today, designer goods have flooded the market, are no longer as exclusive as they once

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  10. Uses of Jute Fiber

    usesofjuteJute fibers can be used alone or blended with other types of fibers to make twine and rope. The coarse ends of the plants, also known as Jute butts, are used to make inexpensive cloth. On the other hand, very fine threads of jute can be taken out and made into imitation silk. Jute fibers can also be used to make paper, and with increasing fear about forest destruction for wood pulp that is used to make most paper, the importance of jute for this purpose is expected to increase in future. Jute fibers can also be woven into curtains, chair coverings, carpets, hessian cloth, and backing for linoleum. is a web-based store having a large selection of totes from cotton and jute to non-woven and canvas bags

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