Nowadays, people are realizing how important it is to care for the environment and most of all, care for one’s self. Land and air pollution has drastically disturbed our everyday life style. Our oceans are brimming with plastic garbage that is harming the marine life and birds, our land fill dumps are overflowing with these bags that take hundreds and hundreds of years to decompose. There are certain methods, techniques which could be followed to avoid the irreversible damage to our planet. better-safe-enviornment

1.­ Use water wisely: Water is an invaluable resource. More than 3.4 million people die each year of water scarcity. (Source: Pay attention to how you use water. These little things can make a big difference. Turn off your water every time you brush your teeth. Stop buying bottled water because this way you save a lot of plastic waste. Drink tap water. If you believe that drinking tap water is not safe, put a filter on your tap water or simply start boiling tap water to ensure that your drinking water is safe.

2.  Walk or bike: Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can. You can diminish greenhouse gases while speeding up your metabolism and improving your health. If you can't walk or bike, use the public transport.

3. Recycle: Reduce the level of pollution by recycling cans, glasses and plastics. Recycling is a healthy habit that should be imparted to kids from family, at schools. Recycling is the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emission on the planet.

4. Compost: Composting produces great natural fertilizer. Composting food waste is the most sustainable way for managing organic waste. Food can return the valuable nutrient back into the soil. Upon composting, they become a non chemical fertilizer with no methane byproducts. On the other hand, the same food when trashed into landfill, they fail to produce valuable nutrients, but they only produce methane, a potently dangerous greenhouse gas.