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grocery bags

  1. Bring in the Freshness of Summer with Green Spring Cleaning

    The first hint of warmth in the air is always
    welcomed with anticipation of sunny days, clear skies, and a burst of new life
    and greenery after the long, cold winter. Traditionally, housewives would get
    ready to clean the house from top to bottom to get rid of the accumulated soot
    and grime. These black remnants typically came from the wood fires burning to
    keep the house warm and settled on every surface. In present times, even though
    technology has eliminated the soot (Thank Goodness for gas heating!), people
    still like to welcome the change of season with a thorough spring cleaning.

    Spring Cleaning Usually Means

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  2. Sustainable Materials make a Jute Bag

    A jute bag is made from fibers of a naturally growing plant that grows very fast. Thus you have a continual source for harvesting and using jute. Bags made of jute are carbon-dioxide neutral and environmentally friendly; they can decompose easily causing no damage to the environment.

    DS-5009_GoGreen 5075

    The construction

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  3. Tips on Switching to Reusable Grocery Bags


    1. Gather all the bags in your home that are washable, durable and approximately of the size of a paper grocery bag.
    2. After unloading your groceries, return the reusable grocery bags back to your car. This will make sure that you have the bags the next time you visit the grocery store.
    3. Keep some in the car or your purse/briefcase for unexpected trips to the store.
    4. If you arrive at the check out counter and realize that you left your bags in the car, simply push your cart aside and go get them! It will only take a few minutes but you will be glad you did it.
    5. Gently remind the bagger to pack your bags full so that you can avoid using plastic bags.
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  4. Use Paper Bags to keep food fresh

    Use Paper Bags to keep food fresh

    Paper or plastic, which is the best option for you? The question will invariably appear in your mind while exploring every grocery store. Paper bags are multifunctional. Not only they are great gift bags, but they are a great household item for storing food. Here are some examples. ppaerbags-freshfood

    Keep bread fresh

    Your bread will stay fresh for a longer period of time if you put them in a paper bag. The crust of the bread will remain crisp and the inside of the loaf will stay soft and moist. This way you do not have to throw away old bread once they are stale.

    Ripen your fruits

    Many unripen

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    Custom tote bag is one of the biggest promotional products because of their higher demands, reusability and a better alternative to plastic carriers. They are a great way of advertising your brand/product for a very low cost. The followings are the reasons to use custom imprinted tote bags to promote your business among larger target audiences.

    Promotional tote bags

    Large imprint Area: A tote bag has an adequate space to print your company’s logo. There is plentiful space to imprint your COMPANY’S LOGO, names, website and even phone number. A tote can be a blank canvas and it inspires your creativity. You can find large imprint areas on any reusable ecofriendly jute/cotton bags like canvas bags, grocery bags, shopping bags, beach bags etc.

    Brand Promotion: Brand promotion is a very important fac

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  6. Ecofriendly Promotional Tote bags for Events and more

     Ecofriendly tote bags are one of the most high demanding, popular promotional product.  They are useful, have large logo printing area and can last forever.  As consumers getting more and more eco conscious, the demand for using the reusable totes are on the rise.

    Using ecofriendly tote bags in events and tradeshows is a great way to promote your business. Donating ecofriendly totes in tradeshows are relatively cheaper as compared to other giveaways like watches, pens, paper. An ecofriendly tote bag is the best gift for a promotional giveaway.  Brands promoting eco-friendly products demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability.  The most important aspect of this brand promotion is printing your company’s name as a logo on the product. This brand acknowledgement proces

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