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  1. Bring in the Freshness of Summer with Green Spring Cleaning

    The first hint of warmth in the air is always
    welcomed with anticipation of sunny days, clear skies, and a burst of new life
    and greenery after the long, cold winter. Traditionally, housewives would get
    ready to clean the house from top to bottom to get rid of the accumulated soot
    and grime. These black remnants typically came from the wood fires burning to
    keep the house warm and settled on every surface. In present times, even though
    technology has eliminated the soot (Thank Goodness for gas heating!), people
    still like to welcome the change of season with a thorough spring cleaning.

    Spring Cleaning Usually Means

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  2. Stumped for Holiday Gift Ideas? Combine Utility with Eco-Friendly Themes

    Stumped for Holiday Gift Ideas? Combine Utility with Eco-Friendly Themes

    With the holidays coming up quickly, you’re probably on the lookout for gifts for friends, family members, and perhaps, clients and employees depending on the scale your business operations. With more than 75% of Americans admitting that they are keenly conscious of their impact on the environment, 2018 is all about eco-friendly holiday gift ideas. Most people you talk to are making an effort to minimize wasteful expenditure and bring their loved ones practical gifts that are sustainable and will help lower the carbon footprint. After all, you do want to bring someone a gift he

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